Recovery and Care After Pregnancy

Postpartum Recovery: Essentials and Treatments
You've just given birth, and while self-care may be the last thing on your mind, in reality, the postpartum period is a time when self-care is extremely important. There's a lot going on during this time. Regardless of whether you had an easy or difficult birth, a vaginal birth or a cesarean section, you will feel some discomfort and pain. In fact, the recovery process at this point will be a bit difficult because you are sleep deprived and only have time to care for your little one.

Breast cancer during pregnancy
Get regular breast exams and check with your doctor if you see anything suspicious, and learn about the treatment options available for breast cancer during pregnancy.
Gestational breast cancer, diagnosed during pregnancy or in the first year postpartum, affects about 1 in 3,000 pregnant women aged 32 to 38 years. The risk of breast cancer increases with age. As the number of older pregnant women increases, the number of breast cancer patients during pregnancy may also increase. Learn how to detect it early and what treatment options are available during pregnancy and postpartum.

Postpartum Changes - What New Mothers Can Expect
After giving birth, mothers may experience a number of postpartum changes, including hormonal, physical and emotional - learn how to cope with these. Holding your precious newborn in your arms after birth can be magical, but your body can also go through many changes after birth.
Your body will go through a number of changes after giving birth - whether hormonal, physical or emotional.

Modern Motherhood - 18 Mothers Share About Postpartum Sex
Learn from real-life experiences of mothers in Singapore about having sex for the first time after giving birth.
No one, let alone our mothers, will talk openly about postpartum sex while we are pregnant. Sex is taboo, given our conservative Asian culture. So how could I get the voluntary contributions of 18 modern Singaporean mothers to share their first postpartum bedroom successes?

Postpartum Sex: 8 Things You Should Know About Postpartum Sex
So you've been a bit excited and you're still feeling a bit tired and trying to get back to your usual 'normal' routine. Between trying to deal with sleep deprivation and a 2-3 hour breastfeeding schedule, you also need to give your husband some tender loving care and maintain a healthy sex life. Some may say it's completely normal to go back into the sack immediately after giving birth, while others advise against it.

Postpartum Exercises to Regain Strength and Fitness
While the general guideline is to continue exercising six to eight weeks after giving birth, each mother's recovery process can be different. Therefore, take time to fully recover. Start by walking slowly around the hospital after you give birth. Once you get clearance from your doctor and feel fine, start with some of these simple exercises.

Dietary foods for postpartum mothers
Strengthen your postpartum body with these delicious food options. These follow the traditional confinement belief of eliminating “wind,” regulating bodily functions and also boosting your breast milk supply. While we couldn't find any Indian catering services, mothers can choose between the options below, whether it's Chinese, Muslim or vegetarian. Mothers can also specify their own dietary restrictions, for example: no beef or no alcohol in dishes.

Detention - What you need to know
After giving birth, observing a quarantine period can help speed your recovery and help you focus on caring for your newborn.
After giving birth, it's time to focus on yourself and your new baby. We've surmised some common misconceptions about detention across major cultures in Singapore - as well as misconceptions you can adapt to your modern lifestyle. During this time, you will need to rely on others, perhaps family, or services such as fasting meal delivery, lactation consultants, and postpartum massage therapists. . If not, another option is to get a nanny or care assistant to support you during this period.
How to return to work after maternity leave
You've just given birth, you've had to deal with the life changes that a newborn brings, and now that your maternity leave is coming to an end, you face the next big challenge. according to - returning to work as a new mother .
While your position and job title may have remained the same, your body and heart have certainly been changed by the little person you brought into the world. You may feel overwhelmed by the changes in pace - both at work and at home - and take the time needed to adjust to new routines.